https://www.ciapad.org/en/custom_129924.html <入會申請> 個人/專業會員加入 <入會申請> 個人/專業會員加入 您好! 歡迎加入社團法人中華國際預防醫學暨美容醫學育成發展協會(CIAPAD)!我們專注於預防醫學+健康管理+美容醫學的產業發展與人才培育,本協會將持續匯聚多領域專家,以專業知識、實務實踐為基石,產業發展與人才培育為目的,透過產官學合作舉辦研討會、培訓課程和社區衛教講座等方式,共同為預防醫學與美容醫學之發展貢獻己力。歡迎加入我們,共同為個人與社會的健康美麗事業描繪出更有價值的精彩未來! Healthy Living Beauty Life 健康生活 - 美麗人生 - From CIAPAD. Welcome to the Chinese International Association for Preventive Medicine and Aesthetic Medicine Development (CIAPAD)! We focus on the industry development and talent cultivation in preventive medicine, health management, and aesthetic medicine. The association continuously gathers experts from various fields, using professional knowledge and practical experience as the foundation to contribute to the development of the industry and the cultivation of talent. Through collaboration between industry, government, and academia, we organize seminars, training courses, and community health education lectures. We aim to work together to contribute to the development of preventive medicine and aesthetic medicine. Join us to paint a more valuable and vibrant future for the personal and societal pursuit of health and beauty! Healthy Living Beauty Life 健康生活 - 美麗人生 - From CIAPAD. <個人會員點選加入>  立即加入 CIAPAD 官方LINE 群組
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【培訓】北醫大 x CIAPAD全方位健康營養策略顧問培訓班,詳見最新消息~~~ 【培訓】建置兩岸通用的化粧品產品資訊檔案(PIF)訓練課程協會~~~公開徵求會員,會員參加協會培訓另有優惠,詳見最新消息~~~